Dysevidentia Podcast is running another amazing giveaway to gift 4 of their fans with a brand new 128GB USBC/3 Dysevidentia Flash Drive. To enter in their latest Dysevidentia Flash Drive Giveaway grab your free entries by following few simple steps listed down below!
About Dysevidentia
Sqeaky and Mako are two software developers. Software does exactly as it is told and not what you want. So troubleshooting it is often like being a detective in a murder mystery where you are the victim and the murderer. Generally, using evidence is critical to working out what these fucking machines actually do.
Dysevidentia is like cognitive dissonance, in that both are failings of people to understand something is wrong with their information. Cognitive dissonance is often described as tension or discomfort when someone holds two conflicting ideas. Dysevidentia is a complete lack of tension or discomfort when someone has two such ideas.
STEP 1 – Follow the link to a giveaway widget -> Dysevidentia Flash Drive Giveaway
STEP 2 – Log in to a giveaway widget with your Facebook, Twitter or email account.
STEP 3 – Finish the tasks listed in the widget to grab your free entries.
Bonus entries: Share your referral link with friends to get an additional 1 entries for each person who enters through the link.
- Not known how a winner is going to be contacted, probably by email and announced in a giveaway widget shortly after the giveaway ends.
GIVEAWAY END: April 11th, 2022
4 x128GB USBC/3 Dysevidentia Flash Drive (approximate retail value 40 USD)
Good luck!